(The Rockstar Acid Test: every single language feature in a single file)

# This is a line comment
(Comments in parentheses)
[ChordPro comments in square brackets]
{ChordPro comments in braces}
( [square brackets] and {braces} inside a comment)

The variable is 1. Say it (prints: 1)
The variable is true. Say it (prints: true)
The variable is 1 + 1. Say it (prints: 2)
The variable is like a series of words representing digits. Say it (prints: 162526)
The variable is a version 1 poetic literal. Say it with love, say it with hate.
Say it (prints: 1767.32443244)
The variable says string literals can contain comments [see?]
Say it (prints: string literals can contain comments [see?])

Simple is "simple". Print it (prints: simple)
Johnny B. Goode is a rock'n'roll pioneer.
Print it. (prints: 197)
He is dead now.
Print it. (prints: 43)

The number is 12345
The variable is the number
Say it (prints: 36)
The variable is now the number
Say it (prints: 12345)
The variable is not the number
Say it (prints: false)

Let the variable be "Eddie". Say it. (prints: Eddie)
Let the variable be with " van ". Say it (prints: Eddie van )
Let it be with "H", "a" & "l" 'n' "e", and "n". Say it. (prints: Eddie van Halen)
Put the variable into the box.
Say it. (prints: Eddie van Halen)
The variable is empty.
Say the box. (prints: Eddie van Halen)
Roll the box into the letter
Say the letter (prints: E)
Say the box (prints: ddie van Halen)

Say the box at 1 (prints: d)
Say the box at 1 + 1 (prints: i)

The radio is quiet. Too quiet.
Say it (prints: 5.35)
Turn up the radio. Say it. (prints: 6)
The radio is loud. Too loud.
Turn down the radio. Say it. (prints: 4)
The radio is broken. Totally destroyed.
Say it (prints: 6.79)
Turn it around.
Say it. (prints: 7)

A number is 1
Your love is true.

If a number is true say "a number is true" (prints: a number is true)
If it is true say "it is true" (prints: it is true)
If it ain't false say "it ain't false" (prints: it ain't false)
If it ain't lies say "it ain't lies" (prints: it ain't lies)
if it ain't nothing say "it ain't nothing" (prints: it ain't nothing)
if it ain't nobody say "it ain't nobody" (prints: it ain't nobody)
if it ain't gone say "it ain't gone" (prints: it ain't gone)

If it isn't lies say 1 (prints: 1)
If it wasn't lies say 1 (prints: 1)

The kids are OK
If they aren't wrong say 1 (prints: 1)
If they weren't wrong say 1 (prints: 1)

The boomers were wrong
If they weren't right say 1 (prints: 1)
If they aren't right say 1 (prints: 1)

Jerry Garcia is 2
Hunter S. Thompson is 2
If Jerry Garcia is as high as Hunter S. Thompson
Say "drugs are bad, mmmkay" (prints: drugs are bad, mmmkay)

The word is "bnn!"
Split the word into the letters
Join the letters into the snack using "a"
Shout the snack (prints: banana!)
Unite the letters into the snack using "o"
Shout the snack (prints: bonono!)

Stringify takes the array.
Let the result be empty
Until the array is nothing
Roll the array into the number,
Cast the number into the letter,
Let the result be with the letter.

Give back the result

Rock the balls
Rock the balls with 65, 67, 9889, 68, 67
Debug the balls
Let the balls be stringify taking the balls
Shout the balls (prints: AC⚡DC)

A number is 5
Shout a number plus 1 (prints: 6)
Shout a number + 1 (prints: 6)
Shout a number with 1 (prints: 6)

Shout a number minus 1 (prints: 4)
Shout a number without 1 (prints: 4)

Shout a number times 2 (prints: 10)
Shout a number * 3 (prints: 15)
Shout 4 of a number (prints: 20)

Shout a number divided by 2 (prints: 2.5)
Shout a number over 1/2 (prints: 2.5)
A half is 1/2
Shout a number over a half (prints: 10)
Shout 10 between 5 (prints: 2)

Your love is lies
If your love is true then say "yes" otherwise say "no" (prints: no)

(prints: not a chance, loser!)
If your love is true then say "yes"
otherwise say "not a chance, loser!"

(prints: not this time)
If your love was true
Say "yeah"
say "not this time", baby

Say mysterious (prints: mysterious)
Say true (prints: true)
Say false (prints: false)

If true is true say "is" (prints: is)
If true are true say "are" (prints: are)
if true were true say "were" (prints: were)
if true was true say "was" (prints: was)

If false ain't true say "ain't" (prints: ain't)
If false wasn't true say "wasn't" (prints: wasn't)
If false aren't true say "aren't" (prints: aren't)
If false weren't true say "weren't" (prints: weren't)

If false is non-true say "is non-" (prints: is non-)
If true is non-non-true say "is non-non-" (prints: is non-non-)

If true or false print "or" (prints: or)
If true and true print "and" (prints: and)

If false nor false print "nor" (prints: nor)

The moon is 5
The cowshed is 4
When the moon is over the cowshed say "moooo" (prints: moooo)

Listen to the sunrise
Whisper the sunrise (prints: The second line of acid-test.rock.in)

Ziggurat takes a number
If a number is more than 0
Write "z"
If a number is more than 1
Write "i"
If a number is more than 2
Write "g"
If a number is more than 3
Write "g"
If a number is more than 4
Write "u"
If a number is more than 5
Write "r"
If a number is more than 6
Write "a"
If a number is more than 7
Write "t"
yeah, oh, baby, oooh, end
(close eight nested blocks in various ways including this blank line)
Print "!"

Ziggurat taking 8 (prints: ziggurat!)
Ziggurat taking 3 (prints: zig!)
Ziggurat taking 1 (prints: z!)
Ziggurat taking -1 (prints: !)

My heart is nothing
While true
If my heart is more than 5 break
Build my heart up

Shout my heart (prints: 6)

The odds takes the limit
A number is nothing
While a number is less than the limit
Build a number up
Let half be a number over 2
Turn down half 
If half is a number over 2 continue
Write a number
Write ","
Yeah, yeah

Call the odds with 10 (writes: 1,3,5,7,9,)

My head is "123"
My heart is 123
If my head is my heart say "my head is my heart" (prints: my head is my heart)

(prints: it's alright, it's just a metaphor)
If my head is exactly my heart
Say "this is a serious medical condition"
Say "it's alright, it's just a metaphor"

Your love is true
My cat is 1
If your love is my cat print "your love is my cat" (prints: your love is my cat)

(prints: types are hard, yo)
If your love is exactly my cat say "I'm calling the cops" otherwise say "types are hard, yo"

Alpha takes beta
Gamma takes delta
Epsilon takes zeta
Give back zeta with " ", delta, " ", beta
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Put Alpha taking "Halen" into AddHalen
Put AddHalen taking "van" into AddVanHalen
Shout AddVanHalen taking "Alex" (prints: Alex van Halen)

A number is silence
They are with "F"
Them is with "a"
She is with "b"
Him is with "u"
Her is with "l"
Hir is with "o"
Zie is with "u" 
Zir is with "s"
Xem is with " "
Ver is with "T"
Ze is with "h"
Ve is with "u"
Xe is with "n"
It is with "d"
He is with "e"
You are with "r"
Me is with "birds"
I am with "!"
Say it (prints: Fabulous Thunderbirds!)

The times is 5
Say it times the times (prints: 25)
Say the times times it (prints: 25)
Say the times times the times (prints: 25)

A girl is laughing
Her eyes are bright
Say her times the times (prints: 30)
Say her times her eyes (prints: 36)

A boy is crying
His eyes are dark
He is with a girl
Say him (prints: 12)

ReturnFunction takes x
Return "Return " with x, oh

GivingFunction takes x giving "Giving " with x

GiveFunction takes x
Give "Give " with x, yeah

SendFunction takes x
Send "Send " with x, baby

Shout GivingFunction taking "La Vida Loca" (prints: Giving La Vida Loca)
Shout GiveFunction taking "In To Me" (prints: Give In To Me)
Shout SendFunction taking "Me An Angel" (prints: Send Me An Angel)
Shout ReturnFunction taking "To Sender" (prints: Return To Sender)

Tommy says we've got each other
Gina said we've got to hold on
The Scorpions say here I am

Shout Gina (prints: we've got to hold on)
Shout Tommy (prints: we've got each other)
Shout the Scorpions (prints: here I am)

A child is crying
An angel is dying
The day is long
My heart is breaking
Your lies are endless
Our flag is death

Print "" with a child, an angel, the day, my heart, your lies & our flag
(prints: 654875)

If 2 is greater than 1 print "greater" (prints: greater)
If 2 is higher than 1 print "higher" (prints: higher)
if 2 is stronger than 1 print "stronger" (prints: stronger)
if 2 is more than 1 print "more" (prints: more)
if 2 is above 1 print "above" (prints: above)
if 2 > 1 print ">" (prints: >)

if 1 is less than 2 print "less" (prints: less)
if 1 is lower than 2 print "lower" (prints: lower)
if 1 is smaller than 2 print "smaller" (prints: smaller)
if 1 is weaker than 2 print "weaker" (prints: weaker)
If 1 is below 2 print "below" (prints: below)
If 1 < 2 print "<" (prints: <)

if 2 is as great as 2 print "as great as" (prints: as great as)
if 2 is as high as 2 print "as high as" (prints: as high as)
if 2 is as big as 2 print "as big as" (prints: as big as)
if 2 is as strong as 2 print "as strong as" (prints: as strong as)
if 2 <= 2 print "<=" (prints: <=) 

if 2 is as low as 2 print "as low as" (prints: as low as)
if 2 is as small as 2 print "as small as" (prints: as small as)
if 2 is as weak as 2 print "as weak as" (prints: as weak as)
if 2 >= 2 print ">=" (prints: >=)

Shout null (prints: null)
Shout nothing (prints: null)
Shout nowhere (prints: null)
Shout nobody (prints: null)
Shout gone (prints: null) 
Shout empty (prints: )
Shout silence (prints: )
Shout silent (prints: )

Blondie takes nothing
Shout "Hanging on the telephone"

Call me (prints: Hanging on the telephone)

Cast "A" into the ascii
Print the ascii (prints: 65)
Cast 65 into the letter
Print the letter (prints: A)
Cast "123.45" into the number using 10 
Print the number (prints: 123.45)
Cast "100" into the octal using 8
Print the octal (prints: 64)
Cast "1.4" into the octal using 8
Print the octal (prints: 1.5)
Cast "abc.def" into the octal using 16
Print the octal (prints: 2748.870849609375)

Write "this is the end" (writes: this is the end)