Rockstar 2.0 Beta
Everything here is work in progress.
What’s here?
- Rockstar 2.0 language spec
- Rockstar interactive interpreter
The Rockstar engine has been completely rebuilt in .NET, and is running here as a web assembly (WASM) binary.
Browser around, try some stuff, let me know what you find.
Here’s Hello World to get you started:
print "hello world"
and here’s a slightly more idiomatic version:
Eternity takes the pain.
The prize is silence
Until the pain is nothing,
Roll the pain into violence,
Cast violence into your lies,
Let the prize be with your lies.
Give back the prize
The night is calling me
Rock the night like a colourcast tranquility
The dawn is a spellbound moonbeam
Rock the night with the dawn, the dawn,
Your fire is a neverending aftereffect
Rock the night with your fire
The spirit is electric thunder
Rock the spirit with your fire
Rock the spirit like a thunderbolt fist
Rock the spirit with the dawn
Rock the spirit like a chamaeleon stormcloud
Let salvation be eternity taking the night
Let surrender be eternity taking the spirit
Time is all up
Cast it into the void
Let salvation be with the void
Let salvation be with surrender
Whisper salvation